Weight Reduction in Hospital

Obesity is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world and is reaching epidemic infectious. According to the World Health Organization, overweight or obese reported in 1.7 billion people, ie. E. Approximately 30% of the planet's inhabitants. The increased incidence of obesity is associated with objective reasons.The share of physical labor in daily life has declined, transport virtually supplanted walking. I changed and the nature of power. The diet of modern man has become less natural products and great culinary treated, as well as industrial production of food rich in fat and in carbohydrate.His contribution is negative: the popularization of network of restaurants "fast food", high-calorie drinks, alcohol and computerization of leisure.

Often the causes of obesity blame hormones. Is it so? More than 95% of cases of obesity - a consequence of an imbalance of energy intake and energy expenditure, and only 5% - is obesity in various diseases, including endocrine. In the energy balance is influenced by biological factors, including genetic, behavioral and environmental factors.
More than 95% of cases of obesity - a consequence of an imbalance of energy intake and energy expenditure, and only 5% - is obesity in various diseases, including endocrine.
The treatment of obesity necessarily conducted in three directions:
  • Correctly chosen food
  • Physical activity
  • Changes in eating habits
In fact, the treatment of obesity = lifestyle changes. The slower decrease in weight, the lower the body reacts to changes in lifestyle as to stress. It recommended to reduce the weight of an average rate of 2-3 kg per month. Slow gradual weight loss allows you to feel comfortable, do not go hungry, so avoid disruptions and bring it to the finish - to achieve ideal body weight. While retaining the achieved results must also adhere to the protective diet and regular motor activity throughout life.

Why does not make sense to lose weight in the hospital?

1. If you have gained weight of 120 kg in a few years, do not try to reduce it within 2-4 weeksof hospital stay. And remember that if you lose weight very quickly, at that time, your body is in a state of extreme stress caused by actual starvation, and for a long time such a regime can not survive. Disruption is inevitable!
2. When you are in hospital, you can not in practice apply all what you teach a nutritionist and a psychologist. You eat what you offer ready-made, often by the way, without feeling any pleasure from it. You are in the "hothouse" conditions of a hospital, have nothing to do with your daily life. And the main your task is just to learn in life to choose the products in the store to properly combine them in one meal, to cook, to learn to not eating on someone's call for lunch, and as a result of a conscious approach to the regime. You need to learn how to plan your meals, learn to control the power in situations which arise is in your real life (with your rhythm of life, work, leisure), when all around you are surrounded by temptation when you are experiencing stress at work and at home.
3. As a consequence of that for you to think, choose, cooked, fed by the hour, is that after returning home, in a familiar environment, you can not behave correctly. In real life, including food abundance and piled on top of your stress, you will feel completely helpless. Your weight will rise again!
4. The psychological approach to weight loss as to any time limits in the event (stay in the hospital for 2 weeks) is absolutely not correct. Once you are discharged home, you "put a tick" ("All right, lay, lost! '), sit back, and the reverse process!
5. The fact that you have to stay in hospital for 2-4 weeks, not everyone is delighted. Many people want to live in the comfort of your home, rather than in a hospital room.
6. Finally, it makes no sense to pay the extra money just for living in a hospital room. Think! Is not it better to spend the same money on a vacation to the sea and get the most out of it, and thus also to lose weight!

For whom the hospital is inevitable?

The undoubted advantage of in-patient treatment of obesity are heavy its manifestations: III and IV degree of obesity morbid (morbid) obesity, which does not allow the patient to walk and is accompanied by serious complications (apnea, cardiovascular failure, Pickwick syndrome, disabling condition and others.). Such conditions may occur when a very large weight of 150 kg and above; the presence of disability; impossibility of movement.
In all other cases, obesity should be treated on an outpatient basis under the strict supervision of a physician and a psychologist, with the possibility of appeal at any time, at the risk of possible breakdown. Man must constantly feel the support of a doctor. Time observation depends on the neglect case, the number of extra kilograms, ability to learn and desire. Typically, to change dietary habits necessary for at least 1 month, and for securing at least 3-6 months.

The approach of the Center for Family Nutrition

In our center, you will be offered a balanced diet, chosen in view of your daily routine, food preferences, comorbidities. Adhering to such a diet, your body will get everything you need. In addition, you will receive recommendations for motor activity for optimal weight loss. And how all of this stick? You will be your own personal nutritionist along with an experienced psychologist who will teach you how not to overeat, how to avoid cravings for sweets and inclination to the night food.