Exercises to avoid excess weight

Anyone who begins to engage in fitness for weight loss, usually first conducted inactive lifestyle. That is, his muscles weak, untrained - this is the first. A spine and joints for several years are overweight, meaning they are overwhelmed - this is the second. And when these two conditions are met unsuccessfully at the time of the exercise, a person is injured. This can happen even on those activities that are considered safe for obese people - yoga, Pilates.
Present "CORSET"
Lean forward - a typical practice yoga, gym, aerobics.
Expert opinion. A man of middle age, do not exercise, your back muscles, which form a natural corset of a backbone, in varying degrees of atrophy. If he starts doing the slopes on a large scale, with the weights or very low (trying to get the floor with his hands), then the most likely can get a loss of spinal disc herniation or from pinching a nerve root. Accustom your body to the slopes should be gradual. And it is better not to start with them, and to strengthen the back muscles.
"Plow", "birch", "bridge on the shoulders" - from yoga exercises included in the Pilates exercises. "Birch" - this is when we are lying on your back, lift legs straight up, lifting your buttocks off the floor and propped her arms under the waist. When omit legs behind his head - this is the "plow".Well, the "bridge" everyone knows from school.
Expert opinion. These exercises help improve the mobility of the upper body, neck and lumbar spine. However, if the muscular corset back atrophied and there is a predisposition, and obese people it is always there, to squeeze the spinal disc herniation is very simple.
Right and left
Side bends typical for yoga (eg "side-angle pose"), yet they often do as an exercise for the waist.
Expert opinion. The most unnatural movement is when your feet are on the floor, and the case moves to the side, bending over or turning around.Stifle torsional side is not designed by nature, his task - bending and extending in the same plane. In this exercise takes place gipernagruzka on the meniscus - cartilage pad between the bones in the knee joint. And if there are already changes in it, and in overweight people, this occurs almost always, they are tearing the meniscus when doing unnatural for joint movement.
Housing rotation to the side - is another way to achieve the thin waist.
Expert opinion. Spine twists from side to side and in general for "twisting" the movement of nature is not designed, especially with weights. If you make such turns with large amplitude and long, it can cause inflammation in the small joints of the spine. At the same time, if the amplitude is small and a bit of repeats, the exercise is quite acceptable.
Various squats and lunges - the best way to bring in the form of the thigh and buttocks. These exercises include virtually all the complexes.
Expert opinion. Powerful load on the knee, ankle and hip joints. The most dangerous - to squat too low, so that the angles of the joints become acute. This leads to injury of cartilage and ligaments of the knee. It may also happen podvorot ankle, and overload may start the inflammation of the hip joint. Squats and lunges - really very effective exercises, only do they have to be very carefully and gradually, and under the guidance of an experienced instructor.
Step platform - the constant hit of group aerobics and strength training.
Expert opinion. Step platform - a step, walking up the stairs - is a load on the ankle and knees. Complete people and so their loads, and imagine how it will be on the stairs during step aerobics! No wonder if the joints react to inflammatory processes. Further, the stability of the knee joint provides the quadriceps femoris (quadriceps). This is one of the major muscles of the body located on the front of the thigh. In sedentary person, it is very poorly developed, instead of on her hip a lot of adipose tissue. And if the quadriceps is not developed, the entire burden is on the thigh bone, which increases the risk of injury and pathological changes in bones and joints.
Direct knees - a mandatory requirement in yoga, at inclinations, for stretching the legs while sitting or standing.
Expert opinion. Absolutely straight knees - not physiologic position. In everyday life, people will not accept this. Even when you are sitting, legs stretched, knees slightly bent. And overweight people tend to already have osteoarthritis of the knee. Unnatural straightening the knee can lead to the progression of osteoarthritis, meniscus tear or tendon tear (not sustain ligaments). But if you do stretching slowly, it will improve blood circulation in the joints.
Calm, not panic!
A bit shocking all of this information, is not it? But let's reacted to that learned without panic. All of these exercises can be done, but only when the person has already been prepared for such a load. If you're new, and also untrained, your main task - to take care of the joints, and to do to strengthen the muscles. Therefore to begin full people better with exercise in the water, and then choose a load that involve the work of the different groups of muscles and introduced very gradually.
Ideally we need an experienced instructor, who knows the characteristics of the musculoskeletal system of people with more weight. If you are alone, not bad at first to come to the orthopedic surgeon and ask: "What I can and can not do at the gym?" If this is not available, then at least choose those exercises in which the movement of the joint is given comfortable. If you have to force "push" a joint position, which requires complex or coach - do not do it.