Motivation for Weight Loss

Motivation - the key to success in any business. It knows and senior managers and women aspiring to the weight of 55 kg.Yet often the motivation for weight loss is selected properly, creating additional obstacles to his goal. The definition of motivation, proper goal setting and finding true "catalyst" will make the process of losing weight much easier. Let us examine some options motivation for weight loss.

Good options for weight loss motivation

Careful Aim

The best motivation for weight loss - a true statement of purpose. A good manager knows that the goal should be measurable and achievable. For example, if the desired result is formulated as follows: "I want to lose weight to his best weight in the past month," surely you will not get anywhere. What is the weight you want to be? What for? Really do that in just a month? And it sounds much better goal: "I want to lose 12 kilos in six months to be healthy and to have a size 46 dress." All clearly, nothing incomprehensible, no clear motive and opportunity to wriggle out of the intended target. 
A great help for weight loss motivation is a step by step plan. For example, you set out to every day in the first two months to lose weight by about 400 grams of weight, but the next two months, 200 grams per day. To schedule training: Monday - cardio Tuesday - running, Wednesday - easy charging, Thursday - strength training, Friday - yoga or stretching, Saturday - dance. If you can not do without the exemptions in the diet, so, again, plan their Tuesday - cake, Saturday - a delicious cocktail. If you spend a few days building a similar plan, design it is beautiful and stylish, hung on the walls of the house, put it in a notebook and diary, then a chance to disrupt the plan will be a fraction. 
One of the strongest motivations for weight loss is a financial cost. We are not talking about buying a dress three sizes smaller than 20 thousand rubles. Although in extreme cases, you can also use it, but it is best to dispose of the money in a different way. Buy a two-month VIP subscription to an expensive fitness center with unlimited access, buy just 10-15 professional massage (this is the motivating), hire a personal trainer at the gym. Excellent investment - payment nutritionist personal diet for weight loss: weight loss and will provide, and the preservation of health. After spending some considerable sum of all this, you will feel such greed that make you get out of bed at 8 am on Sunday and crawl to practice in any form and work spent "blood." 
Do not look for your motivation to lose weight, based on the opinions of others. Hit girlfriend like that guy from a neighboring department, parents and grandparents to prove that you are not "pretty pirozhochek" - is not the motivation and anger, jealousy and self-assertion. It is quite another thing to become a healthy goal, to win the attention of the opposite sex, the need to abandon the hunger strikes, gain self-confidence and so on. 
Help a friend
Perfect motivation for weight loss - "esprit de corps". Find a partner in the difficult task of losing weight. To select run sports girlfriend, who was engaged in athletics. To get the diet Minded and arrange competition. The Internet today provides an excellent opportunity to participate in contests with cash prizes, even incidentally, where the girls under the guidance of professional trainers and nutritionists reduce your weight and strengthen the body. Competitive spirit has always been the strongest motivation.
For those who appreciate a good sense of humor, perfect extra motivation for weight loss in the form of funny labels, such as around the house. Stick your photo on the refrigerator after Photoshop where you look like a skinny girl and another where you're at ten kilograms heavier than it is. Stick the mirror over the words "Will you eat candy, soon will not fit" over the bed - "Do not eat at night, and the bed is suitable only for dinner." The mass of options, and most importantly, in spite of all its funny, they really are.
Finally, if you want to lose weight, but do not know why - go to a good psychologist. In one consultation it on the shelves and plead with you about your true aspirations, motivation and desire to lose weight reasons. Do not forget the persistent motivation - the key to successful weight loss and slim figure!